The Bump to Birth Method

An online program created by a perinatal pelvic health physiotherapist to help you have less pain and pelvic floor symptoms in pregnancy, prepare mentally and physically for labour and pushing including how to minimize tearing 
plus have a smoother postpartum recovery.

Do any of these sound familiar?
  • ​Are you wondering how to effectively connect to your pelvic floor in pregnancy and during birth (beyond traditional Kegels)?
  • ​Are you having issues with leaking pee, pelvic pain or prolapse and worried birth will make it worse so you want helpful up-to-date strategies of how to help in pregnancy?
  • ​Does your partner want to be better prepared on how to support you during birth?
  • ​Did your first birth not go as planned and you want this birth to be an empowering experience?
  • ​Do you want to learn how to push efficiently and minimize risk of tearing? 
  • ​Do you want guidance for how to have a smoother postpartum recovery?

Yes? I can't wait to show you how inside Bump to Birth...

Bump to Birth Method On Demand Online program: 
Ideal if you want to learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

*Includes: Lifetime access to the program + Bonuses
What are the steps in the 
Bump to Birth Method Online Program?
Anita Lambert, physiotherapist and creator of the Bump to Birth Method Online Program has used these steps with hundreds of expecting moms in her physiotherapy practice and in her own two pregnancies to have a more comfortable pregnancy, be physically and mentally prepared for birth and have a smoother postpartum recovery. 

Anita created Bump to Birth Method to make this framework accessible to anyone who is pregnant around the world:

Step 1: 

- Get to know your pelvic floor & core plus changes your body goes through in pregnancy.

- Learn helpful postures to support these changes plus how to best connect to your pelvic floor  (beyond traditional Kegels) and core so you can feel more physically supported all the way until your birth.
Step 2: 

- Learn strategies and exercises for common pregnancy pain and pelvic floor symptoms so that you have a more comfortable pregnancy. 

- Learn how to create space for baby to get into a helpful position heading into labour plus perineal massage to help prepare your pelvic floor for birth. 
Step 3: 

- Understand how to address your fears and concerns about birth and make informed decisions during labour so you can be mentally prepared for birth plus be actively involved with your birth experience. 
Step 4: 

- Learn about the stages of labour and coping strategies for labour (both unmedicated and medicated options) 

-How to create your own birth preferences so that you go into birth feeling calm and prepared.
Step 5: 

- Understand all the options surrounding pushing including timing, types, breathing strategies, positions, how to minimize tearing. 

- Learn about interventions that may come up during pushing including vacuum, forceps and cesarean.

Step 6: 

- Understand strategies for how your partner can best support you in labour so you both can feel confident about labour and pushing before your birth day arrives.
Step 7: 

- Understand how to prepare for your postpartum recovery ahead of birth plus learn exercises to help you recover and reconnect to your pelvic floor / core plus whole body during those first 6 weeks after birth.

What you get as soon as you enroll in the 
Bump to Birth Method Online Program
(on demand):
- Access to the Bump to Birth Method Online Program platform (9 modules broken down into short, easy to fit in video/audio lessons with complimentary handouts plus exercises and strategies for your pelvic floor & whole body for pregnancy, birth prep and postpartum recovery).

- Bonuses including birth affirmations audio track, hospital & home birth bag lists, expert interviews and 6 week postpartum recovery exercise series including for your core and pelvic floor.

- Lifetime access to program + bonuses + future program updates – so you can use all of these in future pregnancies.

Module 1
Understand Your Pelvic Floor & Core in Pregnancy 

        • Pelvic floor and core anatomy
        • Changes your body and pelvic floor go through in pregnancy
        • Posture and breathing strategies to beginning in pregnancy to connect to your core and pelvic floor plus help with pain

      Module 2 
      Connecting to Your Pelvic Floor & Core in Pregnancy

        • How to effectively connect to your core and pelvic floor for strengthening (beyond traditional kegels) including how to add to general exercises like squat and lunges
        • How to effectively relax your pelvic floor to prepare for labour & pushing
        • *Bonus 10 birth prep mobility exercise circuits (keeping your pelvic floor & core in mind)
        • *Bonus 10 full body prenatal strength training circuits (keeping your pelvic floor & core in mind)
        • *Bonus Prenatal Birth Ball Training – helps address or get ahead of aches in pains in pregnancy with 8 of the most effective stretches with a birth ball
        • *Bonus expert interview with pre/postnatal fitness coach Jessie Mundell – strength training in pregnancy with pelvic floor considerations
        • 3 Pelvic floor & core yoga classes
        • Pelvic floor considerations for running /jumping in pregnancy

      Module 3
      Strategies for Common Pelvic Floor Symptoms & Pain in Pregnancy

        • Strategies & exercises for pelvic girdle pain/SI/SPD/hip/low back pain
        • Strategies & exercises for urinary frequency (pee constantly) and urgency
        • Strategies & exercises for leaking pee with sneezing/coughing
        • Strategies for pelvic organ prolapse
        • Strategies for internal pelvic pain with intercourse & penetration
        • Strategies & exercises for constipation
        • How to self check diastasis in pregnancy

      Module 4
      Strategies to Prepare Your Body & Pelvic Floor for Labour

        • Understanding baby position in pregnancy (there’s more to it than just head down)
        • Top mobility exercises to help prepare your body for birth
        • Perineal massage in pregnancy

      Module 5
      Strategies for your Mind, Body & Pelvic Floor in Labour

          • Fear-tension-pain cycle during labour
          • Stages of labour
          • *Bonus expert interview with Trish Ware, L&D Nurse – third stage of labour (between birth of baby and birth of your placenta)
          • Strategies to mentally prepare for birth
          • *Bonus pregnancy & birth meditation affirmation audiotrack by Dr Maryska Taylor, ND (includes pelvic floor relaxation cues for labour)
          • How birth stories and debriefing about your past birth can help you mentally prepare for birth
          • Understanding informed consent and how you (and your partner) can advocate for your birth preferences
          • Relaxation & coping strategies for labour (both for unmedicated and medicated births)
          • *Bonus expert interview with Mit Stone, L&D Nurse & doula – epidural and pain medication options
          • Labour positions (both for unmedicated and medicated births)
          • Benefits of a birth doula

        Module 6
        Strategies to Support You and Your Pelvic Floor During Pushing

          • Types of pushing: spontaneous vs coached pushing
          • Timing of pushing: Delayed vs immediate pushing
          • Pushing positions (both medicated and unmedicated) and how to minimize tearing
          • Creating space in your pelvic outlet during pushing
          • Tearing and episiotomy awareness and healing
          • Forceps/vacuum/Cesarean birth awareness and pelvic floor considerations
          • *Bonus Prepare You & Your Pelvic Floor for Pushing Workshop (replay)

        Module 7
        Preparing Your Partner to Support You During Birth

          • You and your partner can access the pre-recorded Partner Labour Prep Workshop walking you both through labour support strategies so you both can feel more confident heading into birth.
          This workshop includes information covered in other modules with specific strategies your partner needs to know to support you with:
          • perineal massage
          • relaxation & coping strategies for labour
          • labour positions
          • partner hands on and hands off labour support strategies
          • pushing positions plus breathing strategies and ways to minimize tearing
          • how your partner can advocated for you preferences and questions to ask during labour so you have the positive birth experience you’re preparing for

        Module 8
        Preparing for Postpartum During Pregnancy

          • Planning ahead for postpartum support
          • *Bonus expert interview with Dr. Gillian Sawyer, DC on postpartum physical, mental and emotional support
          • Postpartum recovery items

        Module 9
        Navigating Your First 6 Weeks Postpartum Recovery

          • Learn how to effectively recover and reconnect to your pelvic floor and core postpartum
          • *Bonus postpartum meditation track by Mit Stone, L&D Nurse & doula
          • 6 week postpartum recovery exercise series with core and pelvic floor considerations & strategies for daily postpartum movements
          • How to self assess your diastasis postpartum
          • Vaginal and Cesarean birth scar massage


          • Prenatal Birth Ball Training – helps address or get ahead of aches in pains in pregnancy with 8 of the most effective stretches with a birth ball
          •10 birth prep mobility exercise circuits (keeping your pelvic floor & core in mind)
          •10 full body prenatal strength training circuits (keeping your pelvic floor & core in mind)
          • Expert interview with pre/postnatal fitness coach Jessie Mundell– strength training in pregnancy with pelvic floor considerations
          • Pregnancy & Birth meditation audiotrack by Dr. Maryska Taylor, ND (includes reminders to relax your pelvic floor in labour)
          • 3 Pelvic floor & core yoga classes
          • Pelvic floor considerations for running /jumping in pregnancy
          • Expert interview with Mit Stone, L&D nurse & doula - epidural and pain medications
          • Expert interview with Lara Proud, L&D nurse - labour induction
          • Prepare You & Your Pelvic Floor for Pushing Workshop (replay)
          • Expert interview with Trish Ware, L&D nurse – third stage of labour
          • Expert interview with Kristin Brown, Registered Dietitian – prenatal & postpartum nutrition
          • Hospital and home birth bag lists
          • Expert interview with pre/postnatal chiropractor Dr. Gillian Sawyer, DC - postpartum physical, mental and emotional support
          • Postpartum meditation track by Mit Stone, L&D nurse & doula

        Program + Bonuses are valued at over $1200


        Join today for only $357 CAD / $267 USD

        Bump to Birth Method Online Program (on demand): 
        Ideal if you want to learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

        *Includes: Lifetime access to the on demand program + Bonuses
        Take a Look at What Past 
        Bump to Birth Method Students Have to Say:
        "The pelvic floor strategies from the Bump to Birth Method program helped me with my pelvic pain and be able to empty my bladder more completely in pregnancy, reducing the many extra trips to the bathroom – big win!

        This program made such a difference in my second birth. I was able to articulate my fears about labour and birth to my husband with the information from module 3 and I used the birth preference document to help me go through a lot of different potential labour scenarios in my mind. This made it so much easier to face something that was not my preference and stay present in the moment.
        I used a lot of the comfort measures in labour from the course which I didn’t know were options in my first birth. The bonus birth affirmation meditation track that I listened to daily during pregnancy helped me stay present during our drive to the hospital while in labour and not get too caught up in the pain and what would happen next.

        When it came to pushing, I was able to connect with my pelvic floor while taking direction from my midwife. Before this course and seeing a pelvic health physiotherapist, I couldn’t even describe where my pelvic floor was never mind using it during birth. Such a wonderful gift - thank you!"

        - Jen K, mom of 2

        “Bump to Birth has taught me more than just how to physically prepare for birth, but also mentally and emotionally.

        I learned how to manage my pubic symphysis pain so I could exercise and keep up with my toddlers until I gave birth. I used the flower bloom breath to release tension in my pelvic floor but also to help push my baby into the world.
        From learning labour and pushing positions, to comfort strategies (the hip squeeze helped me tremendously) and tips for postpartum recovery, I felt more prepared and calm going into this birthing experience than my previous two births.

        Bump to Birth gave me confidence in knowing I was capable of giving birth again. With the losses we suffered and an early complication with baby Sloane, I found myself anxious at times. This course played a pivotal role in giving myself permission to surrender and be in the present moment.
        I highly recommend Bump to Birth if you're wanting to feel supported and confident going into birth." 

        - Martine, mom of 3
        “After the birth of my first child I was diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse. I was extremely hesitant about having another child but knew our family wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t try again. I came across Bump to Birth and knew this was the birth prep course I needed to help me have the best possible birth experience and outcome.

        Fast forward to today and I’m 2 weeks postpartum with my second and had the most amazing birth experience and feel fantastic. Anita gave me all the tools to make the best educated decisions for my body and how to preserve my existing prolapse to the best of my ability. I was so much more prepared mentally and physically this time and felt so confident going into this pregnancy and labor that I can’t recommend this course enough. “

        - Nicole, mom of 2
        “ Bump to Birth explores the pelvic floor and core related to pregnancy, birth and postpartum that is rarely talked about in prenatal classes. The pelvic floor is always impacted during pregnancy and childbirth and unfortunately we don't think much of it until we have symptoms like leaking urine with exercise.

        Being a pelvic floor physiotherapist myself, hands down I would recommend this program to my patients. Not only does Bump to Birth go through anatomy and role of the pelvic floor muscles in pregnancy and beyond, it teaches many practical skills which are easy to incorporate into your daily routine to prepare for birth."

        - Miral, first time mom & pelvic health physiotherapist
        Bump to Birth Method online program (on demand): Ideal for you if you want to learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

        *Includes: Lifetime access to the self study program content + Bonuses

        $357 CAD

        (converts to approximately $279 USD)

        On demand - self study option: Ideal for you if you want to know how to have a comfortable pregnancy, feel fully prepared physically and mentally for birth and navigate your postpartum recovery at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

        *Includes: Lifetime access to the program content + Bonuses*

        Hi, I'm Anita Lambert the creator of the Bump to Birth Method and co-host of the To Birth & Beyond podcast. 

        I'm a mom of two, a perinatal pelvic health physiotherapist with a focus on prenatal and postpartum care and am one of the select few physiotherapists in Canada to complete physiodoula training which blends orthopaedic physiotherapy expertise and birth doula support and now assist this course for other physiotherapists in Canada.

        I'm passionate about helping you connect more with your body including pelvic floor plus keep you active and comfortable during pregnancy while you prepare for birth which will give you a head start on your postpartum recovery.

        Having gone through two pregnancies, births and postpartum recoveries myself, I know how confusing information can be online about pregnancy exercise, pelvic floor health and preparing for birth. Generally the only information given is to do hundreds of Kegels and maybe perineal massage.

        I hear daily from expecting and new moms “why did no one tell me?’ about what our body might experience - whether aches, pains, leaking urine with exercises or vaginal tearing or recovering from a Cesarean birth. 

        No one can guarantee how your birth will go. However having worked with hundreds of expecting moms in my physiotherapy practice plus going through my own experiences, I've seen how working together with your body (rather than ignoring it) benefits not only you in pregnancy but also during birth and your postpartum recovery. 

        This is why I created the Bump to Birth Method!

        "I found all the information in Bump to Birth on pain in pregnancy, labour and birth positions, how to do perineal massage and preparing the pelvic floor for birth really useful! I've struggled with pelvic girdle pain and found the exercises made such a difference! I'm now using all of the pelvic floor relaxation suggestions from the program to better prepare for labour."

        - Emma J, first time mom

        "As a pelvic physiotherapist I had taken a few courses that would help my pregnant clients for labor prep however, continued to look for a course that had simple and effective step by step guidance for my pregnant clients for their entire Antenatal, Peri-natal and Postnatal journey.

         I was recommended by one of my mentors to enroll in Birth to Bump online program. This course explores the strategies for pregnant clients as they are moving through the challenges, savoring the pleasures and it answers the questions brought on by the powerful transformations a pregnant client goes through. The information provided in this course is very practical. I finally have found the course that I was looking for."  

        - Parul K, pelvic health physiotherapist

        (converts to approximately $279 USD)

        "Loved Bump to Birth! 

        The labour strategies and pushing techniques were very helpful along with the labour support person section for my husband. I felt more prepared for my third birth and feel like my pelvic floor is significantly doing better after my third than it was about my first or second. 

        I'm now loving the week by week exercises for my postpartum recovery. 

        - Andrea S, third time mom & physiotherapist
        ”The exercises & stretches were very helpful in pregnancy and I loved the information about labour & birth.

        Bump to Birth helped me think ahead about what to discuss with my midwife team and my husband and I reviewed the partner labour prep workshop so he was more prepared as well.

        Thank you for your guidance and preparation through Bump to Birth as I counted down to labour. We had out little boy on Sunday with a Cesarean birth since he wasn't moving or tolerating pushing. 

        I felt prepared mentally and physically for all parts of birth even up to my intervention because of Bump to Birth. Thank you!"

        - Fiona, first time mom
        The Bump to Birth Method Group online program is for you if:

        * You want to address or get ahead of pain or pelvic floor symptoms in pregnancy

        * You want to be physically and mentally prepared for labour and pushing, knowing options and strategies so you can navigate situations that comes up during birth

        * You want your partner to be more informed about how they can support you during birth

        * You want to be prepared ahead for postpartum plus have guidance after birth to have a smoother postpartum recovery

        * You’re ready to learn AND implement the exercises and strategies that you learn in the program. It’s the actions that will give you the results you want in including to be fully mentally and physically prepared for birth and navigating your postpartum recovery.

        * You want to be a part of an incredible group of other expecting moms who want evidence based education and are ready to put in the work to best prepare your body and mind for birth and postpartum.

        When you enroll in the Bump to Birth Method Group Online program you get LIFETIME access to program, bonuses, coaching call replays, facebook group 
        (The Group Program option for Bump to Birth is open 2 times this year. 
        The spring group is now closed with the next group opening in fall 2022)
        You deserve to have a comfortable and active pregnancy.

        I want YOU to see how incredible and resilient your body is in pregnancy, during birth and postpartum.

        You deserve to learn up-to-date and evidence informed education about your pelvic floor and core that's rarely talked about in pregnancy and for birth plus how to navigate a smoother postpartum recovery.

        I’m here for you,


        The Bump to Birth Method Online Program is for you if ...

        •You want to feel more calm and comfortable at each stage in pregnancy

        • You're ready to follow a step by step plan with strategies and exercises to feel more connected to your body including pelvic floor in pregnancy which will help you feel more connected to your body during birth

        • You want to feel more prepared mentally and physically for labour including understanding birth options so you can actively be a part of your birth

        • You want to have less fear and more confidence about the pushing phase of birth

        • You want your partner to feel more prepared and confident to support your during birth

        • You want to have a plan for how to have a smoother postpartum recovery

        “ Our son was born early Tuesday morning after a successful VBAC2C! Thank you so much for all of your help and suggestions through Bump to Birth! They were instrumental to having a positive birth experience this time. Much appreciated!"

        - Libby, third time mom
        ”I wanted to let you know baby boy arrived!

        Knowing how to breath through contractions and keep my mind off the pain plus my husband using the double hip squeeze and sacral pressure helped a lot especially with getting to 6cm before choosing to get an epidural. 

        I know I made it that far because my husband was prepared to help any way he could. I loved using the peanut ball plus my husband helped me change labour positions throughout birth before and after getting the epidural.
        Thank you for all of the knowledge and tips you taught in Bump to Birth!"

         - Lauren, first time mom

        $357 CAD

        (converts to approximately $279 USD)

        On demand - self study option: Ideal for you if you want to know how to have a comfortable pregnancy, feel fully prepared physically and mentally for birth and navigate your postpartum recovery at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

        *Includes: Lifetime access to the program content + Bonuses*

        Bump to Birth Method online program (on demand): Ideal if you want to learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

        *Includes: Lifetime access to the self study program content + Bonuses

        $357 CAD

        (converts to approximately $279 USD)

        On demand - self study option: Ideal for you if you want to know how to have a comfortable pregnancy, feel fully prepared physically and mentally for birth and navigate your postpartum recovery at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

        *Includes: Lifetime access to the program content + Bonuses*

        "It's been so helpful to learn about pushing, tearing and birth interventions. I feel more prepared for my second birth. I wish I had this knowledge with my first!"  

        - Amy H, second time mom

        "I feel a lot more prepared for this birth. I didn't have the opportunity to go into labour and have my baby vaginally the first time due to her being in a breech position so I'm hoping this time around will be different. I've been so mentally prepared for all the ways things can happen that no matter what route we go, I'll go into it confidently and with an open mind. 

        At this stage in pregnancy I'm already treating my pelvic floor mindfully and am prepared each day with simple exercises. I struggled a lot in the beginning with pelvic pain, I've been practicing the exercises and posture from Bump to Birth which has helped tremendously compared to my last pregnancy! Anita provides so many invaluable tools to prepare for birth that I feel more calm, confident and at ease about everything in this pregnancy." 

        - Jenny W, 23 weeks pregnant with second baby

        (converts to approximately $279 USD)
        The Bump to Birth Method Is Backed By A
        100% Invest With Confidence Guarantee
        Here’s how the guarantee works: 

        I want you to be totally happy with The Bump to Birth Method online program. So just click the button to sign up, and you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page. After you enter your information, you’ll be given instant access to the program. Then, go through the material and use it to start having a more comfortable pregnancy and to prepare for birth plus postpartum recovery. And, if after 7 days you aren’t completely and totally satisfied for any reason, we will give you your full investment back. It’s all risk-free. No hassles, no hard feelings.
        When is the best time to join the Bump to Birth Method? 
        The pregnant moms who’ve already gone through Bump to Birth have joined in their first, second, third trimester and have all benefited from the step by step guidance with education, strategies and exercises to have less pain and pelvic floor symptoms in pregnancy, prepare mentally and physically for birth plus how to have a smoother postpartum recovery. An ideal time to join Bump to Birth is in your first, second trimester or early third trimester (by 34 weeks) to be able to practice the strategies and exercises. 
        Life is busy during my pregnancy, will I have time to go through the program? 
        Having gone through pregnancy twice myself and working with pregnancy clients daily in clinic, I totally understand how busy life is which is why I created most lessons to be 5-10 minutes long so you can easily fit them in plus easy ways to implement the info you’ve learned. Any exercises included takes at most 10 minutes a day. Bump to Birth also saves you hours on youtube and google and guides you step by step on what actually matters to help you have a comfortable pregnancy, prepare for birth and have a more efficient postpartum recovery.
        How long do I have access to the Bump to Birth Method program? 
        You have lifetime access to the program content & bonuses while many other online courses only give you access for 1 year. If you're planning another pregnancy in the future, you'll be able to return to the full Bump to Birth Method program plus review as many times as you'd like. Many moms have already used Bump to Birth to prepare for more than one birth. You also get access to any future program updates.
        I'm in my first trimester, is it too early to join Bump to Birth?  
        Not at all! The earlier you join, the more time you have to learn, practice and use the exercises and strategies in Bump to Birth to have less pain and pelvic floor symptoms in pregnancy and feel fully prepared mentally and physically for birth. It also gives your partner more time to gain knowledge which helps them feel more confident support you during birth and postpartum - win win! 
        I'm in my third trimester, is it too late to join Bump to Birth?  
        It's not too late! It depends how much time you have to commit to prioritizing preparing for birth. It can be helpful to join by 34 weeks to have time to learn and integrate the exercises and strategies in the program. The earlier you join, the more time you'll have to prepare.  Most lessons are 5-15 minutes and exercises take at most 10 minutes a day so you can move through the program quickly if you're close to your due date. 
        What if I've already taken another childbirth course/class? 
        That's great! Gaining knowledge from more than one resources can be helpful. I created Bump to Birth because many of my clients and I noticed as well during my first pregnancy, that there is so much information missing in many traditional birth classes so this program allows you to learn all the key strategies I share with my clients but online, from the comfort of your own home. The pelvic floor and core in pregnancy, for birth prep and postpartum recovery is rarely mentioned aside from Kegels and maybe perineal massage. Pushing options are often brushed over or never mentioned and there is little education on how to make informed decisions for you and baby during pregnancy and birth which is a major factor in having a positive birth experience. 
         What if I’m planning to see a pelvic health physiotherapist in pregnancy, will the Bump to Birth Method still be useful?
        Definitely! A number of expecting moms have gone through Bump to Birth while seeing a pelvic health physiotherapist and found it very helpful to have the video and audio teachings to solidify what they learned in physio sessions or was the perfect addition to information not discussed in their appointments. While every pelvic health physiotherapist is trained in assessing and treating your pelvic floor, not everyone has done any or extensive training in prenatal care, birth prep and labour support which has been the focus of my clinical practice for years now including assisting courses that teach physiotherapists about labour prep.

        Bump to Birth Method Online Program (on demand):
        Ideal for you if you want to learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

        *Includes: Lifetime access to the self study program content + Bonuses


        This Bump to Birth Method has been designed for any stage during pregnancy for the general pregnant person. Information, advice and material given is from research evidence, personal and clinical experience and should not be considered medical advice or instruction. 

        The Bump to Birth Method does not provide individualized medical assessment, treatment or advice and is not a medical service.

        The Bump to Birth Method is a program created by a physiotherapist but is not considered to be physiotherapy assessment or treatment. This is a program for the general pregnant person but does not replace an individual assessment by a pelvic health physiotherapist, your physician or midwife. If you have questions/concerns pertaining to your body during pregnancy, consult your physician, midwife and pelvic health physiotherapist.

        All physical activity carries the inherent risk of injury. If you engage in any exercises in the Bump to Birth Method, you agree that you do so at your own risk. Your voluntary participation in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Anita Lambert from any and all claims.

        Results of the Bump to Birth Method may vary depending on adherence to program and the many uncontrolled factors involved with birth. The Bump to Birth Method and Anita Lambert does not guarantee any specific pelvic floor or core results at any point during pregnancy, birth or at any point postpartum. 

        Copyright 2020-2024 - Anita Lambert | Privacy Policy & Terms and Conditions